Category Archives: Uncategorized

January 2015 Meeting – Tool, Jig, & Gadget Night

Ok, who hasn’t bought a new tool or made a handy shop jig over the past year? Well, now is the time to show the rest of us what you spent your hard earned money on or got for Christmas. … Continue reading

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December 2014 Meeting – Christmas Party

The program for our Dec 2 meeting will be our second annual Christmas Dinner at Hillcrest Lodge. All members are invited to bring a guest for what will be a good time. We will again have a raffle to benefit … Continue reading

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November 2014 Meeting – Stuart Welch

Stuart Welch’s woodworking resume is almost too long to list. It includes winning furniture design competitions as a teenager, a formal education at the Rochester Institute of Technology, School for American Craftsmen, the Gunlocke Chair Company, his own woodworking business … Continue reading

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October 2014 Meeting – Greg Klassen

Greg Klassen made a definite career path change several years ago when he switched from theology to fine woodworking. When he did, he went all out by studying at the School of the Redwoods and with two furniture masters in … Continue reading

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