Category Archives: Uncategorized

September 2017 Meeting – Designing with Wood Movement in Mind

We often put a lot of time and money into projects we build. No one wants to glue up a tabletop only to have it split or to have carefully fitted joints open up after a season or two. The … Continue reading

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August 2017 Annual Picnic

On Saturday, August 26, Val and Laura Matthews will host the annual picnic and tool auction from 1-4pm. See the August newsletter for directions. Our traditional combined Northwest Corner Woodworkers Association (NCWA) and Northwest Washington Woodturners (NWW) event takes the … Continue reading

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July 2017 Meeting – Northstar Door

Our July 11th meeting will be held at NorthStar Woodworks, a custom door and window manufacturer located in Ferndale. NorthStar is owned and operated by two founding members of NCWA, Frank Chambers and Mike Anderson. Frank and Mike started their … Continue reading

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June 2017 Meeting – Restoring Old Power Tools

June’s presenter will be Phil Kezele. Have you ever been offered somebody’s old woodworking machine from an estate of a friend or loved one or just saw something on Craigslist that reminded you of your high school shop class? Are … Continue reading

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