Author Archives: Michael Titus

Spring 2013 Shop Tour

The date for the Spring Shop Tour has been set for Saturday, March 16. This shop tour will feature shops in the Bellingham area. Stay tuned for more details.

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Announcement – February Meeting Change

The February meeting has been moved from Tuesday, February 5th to Monday, February 11th. The meeting will take place at the Burlington Public Library. Stay tuned for more details.

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January 2013 Meeting – Tony Konovaloff, Cabinetmaker

Our first meeting in 2013 (note the date change from January 1st to January 8th) will be an interesting demonstration and discussion on hand plane techniques and sharpening by former NCWA member and author Tony Konovaloff. Tony has been creating … Continue reading

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December 2012 Meeting – Hand cut dovetails

Steve Dando, regular instructor at the Seattle Woodcraft store, will return for our December 4th meeting to do a demonstration on hand cut dovetails. Last January, Steve demonstrated three dovetail jigs for cutting dovetails with a router, and this time … Continue reading

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