Author Archives: Michael Titus

August 2017 Annual Picnic

On Saturday, August 26, Val and Laura Matthews will host the annual picnic and tool auction from 1-4pm. See the August newsletter for directions. Our traditional combined Northwest Corner Woodworkers Association (NCWA) and Northwest Washington Woodturners (NWW) event takes the … Continue reading

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July 2017 Meeting – Northstar Door

Our July 11th meeting will be held at NorthStar Woodworks, a custom door and window manufacturer located in Ferndale. NorthStar is owned and operated by two founding members of NCWA, Frank Chambers and Mike Anderson. Frank and Mike started their … Continue reading

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June 2017 Meeting – Restoring Old Power Tools

June’s presenter will be Phil Kezele. Have you ever been offered somebody’s old woodworking machine from an estate of a friend or loved one or just saw something on Craigslist that reminded you of your high school shop class? Are … Continue reading

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May 2017 Meeting – Bamboo Fly Rods

On May 2nd Tom Fulk and Tim Whittman will show us some of the tricks needed to make fly fishing rods from bamboo. The precision necessary to join six pieces of wood into a tiny rod tip 1/16” in diameter … Continue reading

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