March 2025 Meeting – Kitchen Gadgets

Tuesday, March 4th, 7:00pm
Mount Vernon Christian School
820 W Blackburn Rd, Mt Vernon, WA 98273

The March NCWA meeting program is all about the kitchen. Club members are invited to present items they have made for their kitchen.

Your participation is important to the success of this program. Think of this program as an extended Bring and Brag focused on the kitchen with more time to explain why you decided to make your item, how you made it and what you learned. David Shull will be the Master of Ceremonies and help guide the discussion.

Your presentation does not require any significant preparation. Plan on bringing a sample of your item and, if needed, related parts or jigs to the meeting. During the program we will use our camera to display your item on our large screen.

Please sign up now so we can organize the program by sending an email to with a brief description of your item or items.
