NCWA member Jack McKee has done a lot of volunteer work and much of that has involved working with kids, teaching them woodworking and other hands on tasks. In the process, he has developed an amazing ability to get kids interested in making things. He has designed and built equipment used in children’s museums, schools and preschools that promote early development and get kids interested in working with their hands. He has written two books, Woodshop For Kids and Builder Boards. At our last two woodworking shows this year, Jack set up his custom kid’s workbench and had plenty of young customers working on various interesting projects. His presentation for our September 1st meeting will include projects that he has built for kids and talk about his approach to woodworking with kids age 4 to 12. Check out Jack’s website:
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"The mere act of owning real tools and having the power to use them is a radical and rare idea that can help change the world around us and—if we are persistent—preserve the craft."
Chris Schwarz