This is our fifth year at the Cascade Mall, and we still have room for more exhibits. Help show our local community what we’re all about by participating! People love to see handmade woodworking and this great venue has provided us an excellent opportunity to show your work and to sell items to the public if you wish. If you need help bringing any items to the show, let us know. You can also bring items to the June 2nd membership meeting. This year, we will do our set up on Saturday morning at 8 am. Show times coincide with the Mall’s Father Day hours: 10-6 Saturday and 11-6 Sunday. Even if you decide not to show an item, come to the Mall to see the show. If you can spare a few hours, help us staff our exhibit and we’ll let you wear an official NCWA shop apron! Contact Jerry Couchman for more information: (360)255-1984 or
Pay $35 Annual Dues
"The pioneers cleared the forests from Jamestown to the Mississippi with fewer tools than are stored in the typical modern garage."
Dwayne Laws