David Selditz was one of our guest speakers three years ago, then decided to join our club. His shop has been on one of our shop tours and he recently signed up as an instructor teaching Accuracy in Marking and Measuring. He has been a woodworker since his Army days and has lived in the Bellingham area for about 8 years. Last year, he attended the Center for Furniture Craftsmanship in Rockport, Maine on an intensive 9 month course that included just about every aspect of woodworking. They studied joinery, wood bending using steam and lamination, veneering, inlay, marquetry and much more. His presentation will focus on the detail work that goes into arts and crafts furniture, including plugs, brackets, and the mechanical joints used with breadboarding. He looks forward to sharing his experience and knowledge to anyone interested in taking their woodworking to the next level.
Pay $35 Annual Dues
"We forget the prodigies one man and a kit of tools can do if he likes the work enough."
David Pye (1914 - 1993)