The program for our Dec 3rd meeting will feature our first Holiday Potluck Dinner, a Toys-4-Tots Benefit Raffle, our 2×4 Woodworking Challenge and presentation of our annual Spirit Award. A social hour will begin at 6:00 with dinner being served at 7:00. NCWA elves Jim Bucknell, Ed Pysher, and Al Ashley have come up with some great raffle items for the evening and tickets will be sold during the social hour. The club will provide the main dinner courses and drinks. Please bring a side-dish, salad, or dessert. Can’t bring a potluck item? Please come anyway. You can always throw a few dollars into the Toys-4-Tots donation bucket as a contribution to the evening. For this meeting please use the main entrance on the west side of Hillcrest Lodge. See you there!
Pay $35 Annual Dues
"The pioneers cleared the forests from Jamestown to the Mississippi with fewer tools than are stored in the typical modern garage."
Dwayne Laws