August 2013 Annual Picnic

On Saturday, August 24, we’ll be gathering at Val and Laura Matthews place from 1-5 PM for the annual picnic and tool auction. This is our traditional combined Northwest Corner Woodworkers Association (NCWA) and Northwest Washington Woodturners (NWW) event and takes the place of our normal monthly meetings. Val and Laura have ample parking and space for this, and all you have to do is show up with a side dish (salad, desert or whatever), something cool to drink, and a lawn chair or two. Normally, we eat about 3 PM and close the bidding for the auction at 4:30 PM. Don’t forget to bring your significant other and something to sit on. The two clubs provide the burgers, hotdogs, brats, fixings, soft drinks, water, paper plates, plastic ware and napkins. Also, the drawing for our Toys-for-Tots raffle will be held, and tickets ($2 each or four for $5) will still be available prior to the drawing.


For those of you who have never participated in a silent auction, the rules are pretty simple. The seller displays the item for sale with a sales sheet listing the item, a short description of the item condition (e.g. new, works good, needs repair, etc), seller’s name, minimum acceptable bid if the seller wishes to state one. Anyone interested in the item simply enters a bid and their name. Anyone else interested in the same item enters a higher bid on the next line. Normally, bids should advance by at least 10% over the previous bid. Check back often to see if you are still the highest bidder. When the cutoff time is announced, the highest bidder wins the item provided their bid exceeds the stated minimum bid. The bidder then pays the seller, so don’t forget to bring money or your checkbook! You never know what might show up for sale! Please make copies of the attached silent auction form for any items you bring to sell.


7550 Ershig Road, Bow, WA 98233

I-5 to exit 236, go west on Bow Hill Road for 1.3 miles, left on Ershig Road for 1.5 miles. Driveway is on the right just past the railroad tracks.